The Craft Barn has launched a new Art Journal Challenge. With the start of a new year tonight I have decided that I would like to take art journaling as my focus for the year along with my photography. I think both will compliment each other. I started the 365 photo challenge last year but I have to say I didn't keep it up religiously. Life got in the way - it has a habit of doing this in my limited experience. These days instead of feeling guilt I am trying to go with it and accept and be content in the moment. Journaling may help with this - we will see.
The Craft Barn has set up buildings as the topic of the challenge and this has led me to focus on one of my own wishes for 2012 - a space to be me in the crowded world.
I enjoyed playing with acrylics, a mask, Cosmic Shimmers, shrink plastic, doodles and stamps. Thanks for the inspiration The Craft Barn Team.

Loving all the entries so far on the blog - really inspiring. Looking forward to challenge two.
Happy New Year. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs Cherry X