Firstly, an apology for having been absent for twenty one days. We had a little break on the Isle of Skye visiting my mum and then we have just been enjoying Autumn and generally just catching up. I have been taking pictures everyday for my 365 but have been unable to inspire myself to blog or craft.
Feeling a little more creative of late so I am sure the fire will ignite again soon.
Anyway I hope you are all well and living joyfully and creatively. My second apology is for lack of comments - normal service should commence soon.
Feeling a little more creative of late so I am sure the fire will ignite again soon.
Anyway I hope you are all well and living joyfully and creatively. My second apology is for lack of comments - normal service should commence soon.
I think I am swayed by the change of season and Autumn makes me feel nostalgic and thoughtful. I'm hoping for a new direction to take hold. Where are you heading?
Hugs Cherry XXX