Whilst away I decided that I should re-aquaint myself with art journaling. It is something I really liked doing but just haven't kept up but have wanted to. I sometimes get stuck - to worried about not being good enough and not having the right ideas and not having the time... Having read some art journaling blogs I was inspired to have another go focusing on process and not end result and by doing ten minutes a day of that's all you have. I have to say this approach really helped and I had fun with a limited amount of supplies as we were away.
All I took was my journal with some preprepared pages, some mags, some water-soluble crayons, White and black pens, White gesso, tim holtz stamps and black ink. I picked up bits and pieces from our travels too.

I have learnt quite a lot doing these and enjoyed the contemplation and thought-process - will keep this up if I can. The thing I really liked is using colour and texture.
Hope everyone is well. Thanks for stopping by I really appreciate it. Cherry XxX