Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Four months on...

I can finally share my finished mini project which the talented Clare ran. My poor swap partner has finally received her box of mini goodies (sorry Nicola). I absolutely loved it.


Life has been busy but I managed a lovely craft day away in November with my crafting buddies at Snazzy's Craft Shop in Swindon. We completed a Christmas House which was fabulous.


I've continued to be part of Tamara Laporte's LifeBook 2013 which I have really enjoyed and it has 'enabled' me in so many ways to continue growing. I am signed up for 2014 which starts tomorrow - hooray.

On a dark night blog hopping I came across 'Letter Love 201' course run by the lovelyJoanne Sharpe. This has been a self-paced course which suits me at the moment.


I have just about kept journaling too...

This is a page in progress based on a Dina Wakely page from LifeBook 2013 week51.


Thank you secret Santa for a super present too.


Christmas and baking ...


Finally, it is New Year's Eve 2013. Happy New Year to all.

Thanks for stopping by and to my gorgeous creative craft friends thank you for understanding my lack of blogging and commenting. Cherry xxx


Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Project Four of Mini and Alpha Challenge

Clare's project four was a HOT challenge indeed. I had to improvise as my glass slide was a square and I had an idea. I am hoping my swap partner will not mind my idiosyncratic interpretation.

I stamped using acrylic paint on the back then on the front - all was well. Then came the edging with embossing and that is where I dropped the slide, burnt my fingers and got my tweezers well and truly embossed in gold sparkle! Clare made it look calm and simple - I made it look like a slap stick comedy. My LO was unimpressed and walked off muttering "mummy you are in big trouble this time!".

I think I over embossed and was worried I had ruined it. I left it over night and made my stamped bee using acrylic mustard seed, sticklers and GAs.

Having returned to the slide today I decided it was workable so this is my finished fridge magnet.



I quite like it.

I thought I would also have a go at doing an altered dictionary as featured by The Craft Barn's Alpha Challenge. This is just for me to play in. I thought it might help even when I am back at work as it is more structured and compact. I have decided to follow the letters on The Craft Barn site but I won't be entering as this is just fun for me. Anyway the letter is 'D' and my word is 'Draughts'.

Thanks for stopping by. Hugs Cherry x


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Mini Easel Card project three!

I'm up to date with Clare's mini projects having completed project three today. Project four is out today so I have a week to make it - hooray.

I haven't made an easel card for an age and whilst I had Shisha mirrors I had never used them. So thank you Clare for making me use an old skill and doing something with old stash. Clare's video is so clear that it is a pleasure to follow them.



Lots of lovely stamping, inking and gluing fun.

Hugs Cherry x


Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Mini Spool Lesson2 from Clare's Summer Project

I had to think about lesson two very carefully as my wooden spools were very mini! A bit smaller than the ones Clare used. However using three together worked quite well, I hope.


There is a secret message in the middle for my secret swap partner too.


Thanks to Clare and the others for all the arty fun we are having. Now onto lesson three...

Thanks for stopping by. X


Lifebook week 30 lesson by Dina Wakely

Loved this lesson by the über talented Dina.


Enjoying the experimental nature of the lessons.



Saturday, 3 August 2013

Lifebook27 - Tam's lesson 'Embracing All of You'

I have learnt many things doing Tam's week 27 lesson. I would never have had the courage to give this ago without Tam's clear lesson and inspiration. Thanks Tam.



Add layers.

And more...

Eventually add your words.

If you have thought about doing Lifebook I would recommend you do as it is full of the most diverse and amazing artists and lessons.



Thursday, 1 August 2013

Clare's Mini Summer Project 1 Mini Book

I am behind, as per normal, on this project that Clare has challenged us to on our forum. I loved the idea of the summer challenge and am in awe of Clare's creativity and my crafty buddies talents.

Our first challenge was a mini book made with Alpha Cards, alcohol inks, embossing, jump rings - well go and watch Clare's awesome video and you will see. You could have a go too.

The front and back.
I have chosen playing cards rather than the Alpha cards but they worked the same, I am going to have a go with Alpha cards when I can locate them!


The insides.

Standing up.

Thanks Clare for lots of fun, blow don't suck though!



Rudolph Day Challenge - Holly

Lovely Lilian has set this month's challenge and I have had a go, wow.

Not the best but I am sooo out of practise with Christmas cards! Must get better before Dec rush. Loving the Memory Box ? Gothic Arch Die I got in Newbury. Have a feeling you will be seeing more of it.

Thanks for stopping by on what is a very hot day here in the middle of England. X


Lifebook Stencils...

Enjoyable cathartic play.

Enjoying the time...



Monday, 29 July 2013

Lifebook Kelly Hoernig Lesson Week24

http://www.kellyhoernig.com/ For an amazing and inspiring time pop over and check Kelly's art out. I am really enjoying Tam's Lifebook year long adventure this year, although I am hideously behind, as per normal!

I loved Kelly's lesson and learnt so much. I had to do it and have been 'eye struck' ever since. Very useful symbol in the classroom too.



I really enjoyed this journal page. I have plans for many more like it as everything about it appealed to me. Thank you Tam and Kelly.



Sunday, 28 July 2013


Lovely Nicola's challenge 'Natural' on our forum has inspired me. Idea taken from Craft Stamper Mag article by Maria Sabina.

Chocolate orange cupcakes.

ATCs for a swap...
