Thursday, 26 August 2010

365 days of photography adventure

A lovely post appeared this afternoon from Maegan about undertaking a second year of taking a photo on every single day of the year and she generously invited others to join her. I have been following some lovely blogs with people doing this and i have really enjoyed it.. I have decided to join in to try and see things more clearly and as a way of expanding my skills with the camera. And as Maegan says skills don't just improve without practise and support - so practise and support it is for me. Do you fancy it? Pop over to Maegan and say ME TOO PLEASE!


  1. How exciting, good luck with it and have fun!
    Katie x

  2. I hope you will really enjoy this and . . . is that a new profile piccie I spy?


  3. Good luck with it,Cherry....I just know I would never keep it up.

  4. Good luck Cherry. What a wonderful idea. left you a little something on my bloggy. Lx

  5. Yay! I’m joining in the 365 Project/challenge too! I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with!
    If you'd like you can follow along with mine at:

  6. yay, I am doing a 365 too!


Thanks for stopping by today - comments are really appreciated. Here's sending love back to you. Hugs Cherry XXX